Saturday, April 11, 2009

House of Safety - First Visit

On Friday we went to a House of Safety. We spent several hours mingling with the children and workers. We led them in a Good Friday service. Some lead in active praise songs and Trevor and AdeZs'a gave their testimonies. Some of the others did the Everything Skit. Many of the students were touched by this. Mr. Naz shared the gospel. Then we split into small groups for discussion purposes. Each team member paired up with another to lead the groups. Then it was time to play...we led games, played soccer, did balloon art, sidewalk chalk and face painting. The children that were at this house turn over about every six months. One set of siblings, a girl and two boys, had just arrived on Monday. They were a little timid. They come from a mixture of children who have been abandoned or parents have died of AIDS or they were taken from parents who abused them. Others were there in luei of juvenile detention. Julia is holding Obama Barrack...a baby that was found left in the tall grasses of a field. The children were very interested in the gospel account. It was amazing how happy they were considering their life stories and circumstances. "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widow in their distress." James 1:27.
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  1. Hey everyone, it's Katie German!
    I just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you guys! I'm so encouraged to hear that this safehouse trip went well - it was definitely my favorite part of last year. It brought back so many memories to see the picture of the drama team doing the everything skit :)

    It sounds like you are all doing well. Have a wonderful Easter Sunday and enjoy every moment that you have in South Africa

  2. carrieeeeeeee i love the glasses but.......dont be that divalicious!! jk have fun

  3. carrie
    I'll be praying for you and your team I really look up to you guys and want to be like you when im older
