Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Monday in Mandela Township

Whoa...this township really puts life in perspective. The mud brick building that had 6 rooms; three of them with tenants living in them. A few benches and two tables for furntiture; a dirt yard full of ants and bits of glass; a privy hole in a corner of the back yard or an official outhouse 3 doors down on the side of the pastor's home. Harriet now seventeen years old; last year as a sixteen year old had started the Bible club for the children of the township to keep them off the streets. After she had accepted Christ, she was given a Bible and now a quiet time journal which she has faithfully completed everyday since December. The youth began pouring in and filling the yard. Two walking down the road carrying chairs from their home to the building. A six year old carrying his little brother on his hip. The number of households in these places headed by children because of the deaths of their parents due to AIDS is amazing. At first we noticed the dirt, the ants, the small spaces, the numbers of youth, the "wierd" games and activities that we were asked to participate in and lead. But, within minutes, all that faded as we saw the faces, the eyes, the hunger (physical and spiritual) of those that were entrusted to us for the day. Our students really stepped up to the plate. They led teams through games; Allie with 25 toddlers by herself. We are learning the ways of net ball - a big South African joy. They did the drama and dance in a cramped dirty hard floored room in the heat of the day and un-airconditioned place. The message of God's grace and salvation was presented even with Cheney's nose bleed and Julia's bruised hip! We served lunch - viennas (hot dogs), chips and juice - to a stream of people. Julien gave his testimony before all those there. Allie and Darren led the gospel presentation of the cube. Our new friend, Chris who is a Seminary student here, preached. All of the students led discussion groups talking through personal quiet time devotions and discipleship. By the end of the day, what we remembered were the faces and the presence and spirit of God. It was a draining, very, very good day. "Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him." Proverbs 30:5
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  1. Wow! What an experience you guys had! It really puts our American life in perspective. I can't wait to hear what God is teaching you.
    I can't believe we missed your call Trev. Dad and I were both at work. Do you get another call? We miss you so much.
    Did you guys hear that Harry Kalas,the voice of the Phillies died suddenly yesterday? He was getting ready to call the game in Washington against the Nationals and was found unconscious. Something cardiac.
    We love and miss you!!!

  2. Praise God for the desire of Harriet to start a Bible club that reached out and attracted others.

    Julien, we are looking forward to hearing your testimony that you gave and the testimony you will have from this mission trip.

    Love, Grandmom and Grandpop
